Qualities of Effective Change Agents

Last Updated March 28, 2024

Change is inevitable, a part of doing business in a world influenced by technology, globalization, and evolving customer demands. Change management has in recent years shifted from a specialty to be more of a leadership quality that affects how companies and teams adapt to shifting marketplaces and continue daily operations.

Whereas change management used to primarily focus on operational and/or process improvements and cost-effectiveness, it is now something that managers are using to think about how things get done regardless of institutional hierarchy. Organizations are looking to change agents to execute new processes and help employees adjust to new ways of doing things.

What is a Change Agent?

Change agents can be managers or employees, or external consultants hired to facilitate initiatives. Internal change agents have the advantage of being familiar with an organization’s history, operations, and people, while external change agents can provide a fresh perspective without the influence of a firm’s traditions and culture, according to Fred C. Lunenburg in his research article, “Managing Change: The Role of the Change Agent” in the International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration.

Whether an organization appoints internal change agents, hires outside consultants or does a combination of both scenarios, “the success of any change effort depends heavily on the quality and workability of the relationship between the change agent and the key decision makers within the organization,” states Lunenburg.

5 Qualities All Effective Change Agents Have

Today, playing the role of a change agent has never been more important. Failing to do so has never been more costly. If changes are not conducted smoothly and regularly, what would be milestones in a company’s growth could become morale disasters full of missed objectives and a lack of commitment from the people necessary to make change happen. In order to become a truly effective change agent, look to develop these five qualities:

1. Flexibility

Being open to change requires an entrepreneurial attitude. Leaders have to tap into their creativity and innovation to find non-traditional ways for a business to grow and exploit opportunities. This includes tapping into the creativity of others by connecting with people (inside and outside of the organization) of different generations and backgrounds to gain a deeper understanding of perspectives, experiences and personalities.

2. Diversified Knowledge

Successful leaders avoid getting stuck in the confines of their industry. By looking at what is going on in other sectors and seeing what is working and applicable to their own industries, leaders can gain valuable insights and spot new opportunities for growth. To diversify knowledge, it’s vital to develop curiosity as a life-long learner. Besides staying abreast of what is happening both inside and outside of the industry, gaining new knowledge through online master and professional certificate programs can help support change agent development. 

3. Prioritization

In creating change, it’s often helpful to tie specific priorities to the overall business goals. These are must-win battles that determine success or failure and are focused on improving the company’s performance in the marketplace. Doing this will streamline decision making and create a clear picture of how the company is measuring up to expectations. Identifying and understanding external market drivers and disruptors can help to set the internal priorities that determine actions, leading to results.

4. Accountability and Responsibility

People respect courage and accountability. In order to lead effectively, executives and managers need to ultimately hold themselves responsible for their team’s performance. They may have to make decisions that go against dissenting opinions and may cause conflicts, but doing so with conviction and ownership of the consequences will ultimately demonstrate that their intentions are motivated by the best interests of the company, thus gaining the trust of their people.

5. Effective Listening Skills

Effective change agents are able to explore perspectives and take them into account when looking for solutions. This starts with listening. No one wants to feel that change is happening to them; people want to be emboldened to drive change and feel that others are listening to their ideas. Leaders who listen will develop stronger relationships with their people by gaining trust. This trust will help in getting buy-in for change.

Develop yourself as the change agent your organization needs with MSU’s online Strategic Leadership & Management Certificates.