Charlie Grimm, Master Certificate in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Last Updated October 24, 2024

Timing is everything. As Charlie Grimm sees it, completing his Master Certificate in Supply Chain Management and Logistics from MSU occurred during “an ironic timing of management changes” within his organization.
“We’re adopting a supply chain model for customer experience as we group together customer service, scheduling on the front of the house, and then combine those two with my area of shipping, warehousing, and receiving,” he says.
With his Master Certificate, Grimm feels prepared to grow through this supply chain transition, confident that the knowledge he’s gained in the program “will help me in my interview process as I attempt to fill a newly created position of Area Manager for Logistics that will supervise those areas.”
We spoke with Grimm about his professional goals, his MSU experience and finding his rhythm as “a 57-year-old man who had been away from the diligence needed to do well” in the classroom. With the help of his MSU professors, it didn’t take Grimm long to get his rhythm back.
Q. Tell us about your background.
I have been working in supply chain for my entire career, from managing purchasing to now managing shipping, receiving, warehousing and also recycling. For the last 28 years, I have been with the same company, Strine Printing, which was then bought by Menasha Packaging in 2014. I’m the husband of Dierdre Ann, the father of three (Pelle, Marci, and Caitlin), and grandfather to two (Mason and Sydney). We’ve lived in York, PA for all our lives.
Q. What were the most important factors in your decision to choose MSU and this program?
I decided to expand my education, even at my age, and wanted it to be in the profession that I have been in all my life. I researched programs and saw that MSU was the leader in Supply Chain post-graduate training. Even though I’m a lifelong Penn State fan (sorry!), I chose MSU! GO SPARTY!
Q. How will your MSU certificate make a difference in your career?
I’m hoping the certificate program gives me more opportunity with my employer to expand my areas of responsibility. I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge with my managers at the local level and corporate level.
Q. Now that you’ve completed your certificate, what’s your future plans or goals?
We have future openings within the corporation that I will be applying for. As far as future education, I believe at this point I’m more than satisfied with my Master Certificate, but one never knows!
Q. What has surprised you most about taking an online program?
The amount of reading and studying that I was not used to! It was very detailed and very educational. I learned a tremendous amount from all the professors.
Q. What has been your favorite class/topic and why?
My favorite module/class was the Strategic Profit Model, aka Dupont Model. I have already put this learning into practice at work. I went into our corporate meetings with my strategic profit model in hand to show ROA and also ROI for my proposal! I was met with many compliments regarding the detail of my proposal, specifically the profit module, so I’m very pleased that I was able to gain and use that experience.
Q. What has been your most valuable takeaway from the program and why?
First that you are never too old to learn, even if you struggle early on as I did. Secondly that I was so thankful to Dr. Frayer, Dr. Closs, and Dr. Cooper for their knowledge and expertise to educate those of us who had been away from the learning process for many, many years.
Q. How have you been able to network or build professional connections through the program?
Yes, several classmates and I keep in touch through our LinkedIn connections. I look forward to keeping those contacts and even expanding them further!
Q. What has been the most challenging part of the program?
Finding a rhythm to study, do homework, and assignments. It was the most challenging part of the course, and I owe a tremendous debt of appreciation to Dr. Frayer who convinced me to stay after the first course and not give up when I struggled early on with finding that rhythm. After his talk and urging I kept my nose to the grind and finished that class strong and then excelled at the next two courses.
Q. What advice would you give other students who are considering enrolling in this program?
Do not hesitate in taking any courses. Do not be concerned because the professors will help you with any problems you may experience. This will enhance your work knowledge and can help advance your career.
Q. Who has been your support system throughout the program and how?
My wife was my biggest supporter; she encouraged me to take the course and then was that steadying influence in good times and in bad. I also had the support of my fellow coaches that I coach football with.
Q. Who or what inspires you to succeed?
I’m self-motivated; I was an excellent student in high school and college many years ago. If you are not self-motivated, in my opinion you will fail! You have to do whatever your goals are in life because you want them, and not do anything for anybody else.
Q. What is one fun fact about you?
I’m a Christmas baby, born on December 25, 1961.
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